Home Welcome To My New Blog

Welcome To My New Blog

Hi, I’m Gareth. This is my new blog I have created in order to show the world the stuff I’m interested in and what I’m currently working on. My portfolio/profile page is on the the main gperilli domain - check it out for a summary of my projects, and for more information about me.

I have a load of stuff I’m working on, and I’m trying to both record my process as I build stuff and leave a trail behind so I can refer back to the tech I’ve beem using.

This Chirpy Jekyll theme I’m using here is quire good. For more information on Jekyll, a static site generator, check out the main docs. It took me a while to find the right theme for a blog on web development and geberal coding. I also hope to post my collection of audio data somewhere - I like to make electronica in my spare time. At some point I will set up wavesurfer or something similar in order to get my audio nicely organized, for a change.

Chirpy Theme

There are a whole load of good things to say about the Chirpy theme, so if you are trying to set up a blog quickly, I recommend it. I’m not in any way connected to the development or anything, but if you check out the following free jekyll theme site, you may find a lot of jekyll themes that are visually attractive, but don’t really have the same functionality as Chirpy here. The Chirpy developers really seem to be working on a different level to the majority of other free jekyll themes.

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